Session II: CP and T violation
- Johan Bijnens (Lund Univ.)
Session II: Radiative Decays
- Giancarlo D'Ambrosio (Naples Univ. and INFN)
Christopher Sachrajda
(Southampton University)
5/22/07, 10:50 AM
Non leptonic/ radiative decays
The precise evaluation of K to pi pi decay amplitudes is one of
the most important goals and milestones for Lattice QCD and an
area of particle physics where lattice simulations can make a
very significant impact. I will review recent theoretical
progress (including the so-called "infrared problem"), the
current status of the numerical results and the prospects for
future developments.
Joaquim Prades
(Granada University)
5/22/07, 11:20 AM
Non leptonic/ radiative decays
I discuss selected topics on non-leptonic and radiative kaon
decays mainly related to direct CP-violation within the combined
ChPT and large N_c approaches.
Robert Mawhinney
(Columbia University)
5/22/07, 11:50 AM
Non leptonic/ radiative decays
Andreas Winhart
(Institut fuer Physik, Universitaet Mainz)
5/22/07, 12:20 PM
Non leptonic/ radiative decays
The main goal of the NA48 experiment at the CERN SPS has been the
search for direct CP violation (CPV) in kaon decays. The observable
$\eta_{+-}$ is related to the parameters of indirect and direct CPV
($\eta_{+-} = \varepsilon + \varepsilon^\prime$) and defined as
the CP
violating amplitude ratio of the neutral kaon decaying into two
charged pions: $\eta_{+-} = A(K_L \to...
Antonino Pullia
(Universita` di Milano Bicocca and INFN)
5/22/07, 12:40 PM
Non leptonic/ radiative decays
The rate for the decay $ K^{0}_{L} \Rightarrow K^{\pm}
e^{\mp}(\overline {\nu}/\nu) $
of (0.0979 $\pm 0.0037 $) $ s^{-1} $ has been calculated in
the hypothesis of the
conserved vector current and , assuming the CP violation very
small , the two
rates for the decay $\overline{ K^{0}_{L}}\Rightarrow K^{-}
e^{+} \nu $ and $
K^{0}_{L} \Rightarrow K^{+} e^{-} \overline {\nu} $ are...
Suguru Shimizu
(Osaka University)
5/22/07, 1:00 PM
Non leptonic/ radiative decays
As a precision frontier experiment at J-PARC, we proposed a
search for
time reversal invariance violation by measuring the transverse muon
polarization (Pt) in the $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^0 \mu^+ \nu$ (Kmu3)
which constitutes a T-odd observable. This observable is one of
the few
test of T-invariance and the corresponding CP violation in
meson sector and is sensitive to...
Johan Bijnens
(Lund University)
5/22/07, 2:30 PM
Non leptonic/ radiative decays
I will give an overview of the recent results in ChPT relevant
for kaon physics including
K_l3 and K_l4 at two-loop order.
Ermanno Imbergamo
(Universita' di Perugia)
5/22/07, 2:50 PM
Non leptonic/ radiative decays
The NA48/2-Experiment at the CERN SPS has recorded more than 2
charged kaon decays. From a sub-sample of this data set we have
about 2 x 10^5 practically background free events of the decay
K+- -> pi+- pi0
gamma, which is an order of magnitude more than from any previous
experiment. The decay K+- -> pi+- pi0 gamma is dominated by Inner
Bremsstrahlung (IB) of the...
Vladimir Bolotov
(Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS)
5/22/07, 3:10 PM
Non leptonic/ radiative decays
Results of study of the negative kaon into electron,neutrino,
neutral pion, gamma decay at ISTRA setup are presented. 4476
events of this decay have been observed. The branching ratio to
be Br=(3,06+- 0.09+-0.14)x10^(-4) for E>30 MeV and theta>20deg.
For the asymmetry A=-0.015+-0.021. At present it
is the best estimate of the asymmetry.
Marco Dreucci
5/22/07, 3:30 PM
Non leptonic/ radiative decays
The study of radiative $K_L$ decays offers the possibility to obtain
informations on kaon structure and to test predictions of the Chiral
Perturbation Theory. Two different processes contribute to photon
emission in $K_L \rightarrow \pi e \nu \gamma$ decay
($K_{Le3\gamma}$): the inner
bremsstrahlung (IB) and the direct emission (DE). The latter is
due to photon
radiation from...
Elliott Cheu
(Arizona University)
5/22/07, 3:50 PM
Non leptonic/ radiative decays
The KteV experiment has carried out a broad program of studies of
rare kaon decays. In this talk we present results on KL-> pi0
gamma gamma, KL-> pi0 e+ e- gamma and KL-> pi+ e- nu e+ e- .
These decays provide a window for testing chiral perurbation
theory at O(p^6). We find BR(KL-> pi0 pi0 gamma)= (1.30 +/- 0.03
+/- 0.04)E-6, BR(KL-> pi0 e+ e- gamma)= (1.9 +/- 0.16 +/-
0.12)E-8, and ...
Matteo Martini
5/22/07, 4:10 PM
Non leptonic/ radiative decays
A precise measurement of the $K_S \rightarrow \gamma \gamma$ rate
is an important
test of Chiral Perturbation Theory predictions. The decay
amplitude can be evaluated
at the leading $p^4$ order providing an estimate of the $BR$ for
this decay of
$(2.1\pm0.1)\times10^{-6}$. The latest experimental determination
of $BR(K_S
\rightarrow \gamma \gamma)$ is a precise measurement from NA48,...