May 21 – 25, 2007
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN
Europe/Rome timezone

Measurement of T-violating transverse muon polarization in $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^0 \mu^+ \nu$ decay at J-PARC

May 22, 2007, 1:00 PM
High Energy Building - Aula Bruno Touschek (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN)

High Energy Building - Aula Bruno Touschek

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN

Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati
Non leptonic/ radiative decays Session II


Dr Suguru Shimizu (Osaka University)


As a precision frontier experiment at J-PARC, we proposed a search for time reversal invariance violation by measuring the transverse muon polarization (Pt) in the $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^0 \mu^+ \nu$ (Kmu3) decay which constitutes a T-odd observable. This observable is one of the few test of T-invariance and the corresponding CP violation in non-neutral meson sector and is sensitive to direct CP violation. At J-PARC, we aim to improve the precision of the measurement by a factor of 20 comparing with the best result from our own KEK-PS E246 experiment, and reach a limit of $\Delta$Pt$\sim10^{-4}$. The final state interaction contributions in the SM descriptions are significantly smaller than the sensitivity of this experiment. On the other hand, several exotic models inspired by Multi-Higgs mechanism etc. predict sizable Pt values within the sensitivity attainable to us. Thus, this experiment is likely to find new source of CP violation, if any of these models are viable. Since it will certainly constrain the parameter space of the candidate models, the sensitivity of this experiment is comparable or superior to that of the proposed new neutron EDM experiment and other rare decay processes. The physics potential in terms of discovery of new physics along with the power to constrain the exotic model is shown to be competitive with other experiments being planned or prepared. It is pointed out that the improved sensitivity will be achieved thanks to the new J-PARC facility beam quantities, namely, the newly designed low-momentum $K^+$ beam line. The experiments will use a stopped $K^+$ beam in conjunction with the upgraded E246 setup. Major changes of the detector system are 1) improved charged particle tracking by incorporating the sate-of-art GEM detectors, 2) new readout of the CsI(Tl) calorimeter with APD, 3) introducing active polarimeter for the e+ measurement from muon, and 4) a new magnet to hold the muon spin polarization. This arrangement with increased $K^+$ beam intensity and a runtime of $10^7$ seconds will improve the E246 result by a factor of 20, bringing the discovery potential to $\Delta$Pt$\sim10^{-4}$ in our quest for new physics.

Primary author

Dr Suguru Shimizu (Osaka University)


Dr B. Surrow (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr C. Djalali (University of South Carolina) Prof. C. Rangacharyulu (University Saskatchewan) Dr D. Hasell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr E. W. Anderson (Iowa State University) Dr F. Simon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Prof. G.Y. Lim (KEK) Prof. Hirohiko Shimizu (KEK) Dr Hirohito Yamazaki (Tohoku University) Dr J. Doornbos (TRIUMF) Dr J. Kelsey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Prof. Jun Imazato (KEK) Dr K. Dow (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr K. Paton (University Saskatchewan) Dr Keito Horie (Osaka University) Prof. M. Hashinoff (University of British Columbia) Dr M. Kohl (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr M. Plesko (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Prof. P. Depommier (Universite de Montreal) Dr R. E. Pywell (University Saskatchewan) Prof. R. Milner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr S. Steadman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr S. Strauch (University of South Carolina) Prof. Shin'ya Sawada (KEK) Dr Youichi Igarashi (KEK)

Presentation materials