Elliott Cheu
(Arizona University)
The KteV experiment has carried out a broad program of studies of
rare kaon decays. In this talk we present results on KL-> pi0
gamma gamma, KL-> pi0 e+ e- gamma and KL-> pi+ e- nu e+ e- .
These decays provide a window for testing chiral perurbation
theory at O(p^6). We find BR(KL-> pi0 pi0 gamma)= (1.30 +/- 0.03
+/- 0.04)E-6, BR(KL-> pi0 e+ e- gamma)= (1.9 +/- 0.16 +/-
0.12)E-8, and BR(KL-> pi+ e- nu e+ e-)= (1.281 +/- 0.041)E-5.
The KTeV measurements are competitive with or better than the
world's best results in these decays.