We are happy to announce a new edition of the famous series of the Italian National Meetings on Theoretical Physics known as "Convegni di Fisica Teorica di Cortona”. Resting on a very long tradition, this bi-annual Conference has historically been a prestigious meeting point of the Italian community in theoretical physics. The aim of the Conference is to discuss some of the most recent and exciting advances in many areas of theoretical physics, in the pleasant Spring atmosphere of a pretty Tuscan hill. The informal environment and the intimate location will facilitate a fruitful exchange between senior and junior colleagues. Indeed, good participation of young researchers, including graduate students and postdoc fellows, alongside senior researchers, has always been the trading mark of this Conference. The program will feature plenary sessions with invited talks by Italian experts in the research areas of interest of INFN, and contributed talks by junior participants. The schedule includes free time for spontaneous discussions which the organizers strongly encourage to continue over a good Tuscan-style dinner in the beautiful center of Cortona.
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