Search for new physics with effective field theories in H→WW VH with ATLAS; Improved search for new heavy particles with ATLAS; Enabling the Publication and Reanalysis of ATLAS Higgs Boson Discovery (TUDO)
Carsten Burgard
Enhancing the efficiency of event generation with MCMC and machine learning techniques (TUDO)
Search for CP violation with charm decays at LHCb; Picosecond time measurement with a luminometer at LHCb; Search for CP violation with Lambda_b and B decays at LHCb (UNIBO)
Angelo Carbone(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Improving top+photon event identification with machine learning techniques (TUDO)
Andrea Knue
Pile-up suppression in topocluster formation; Topocluster calibration validation in data and Monte Carlo; Improvements to topocluster formation using machine learning; Lepton overlap removal in the particle flow algorithm; (TUDO)