Feb 23 – 24, 2012
Virgo site
Europe/Rome timezone

Scientific Program

The workshop is focused on the thermal noise issues of the advanced gravitational wave detectors, currently under realization. Special attention will be devoted to all the construction aspects, motivations, problems, solutions, tests. Several are the items under discussion and the GEO, LIGO and Virgo experiences will be compared. Key discussion points are:
  • We realized the initial detector. What we understood in terms of thermal noise from these machines?
  • Suspensions prototypes for advanced detectors. What we know (from the measurements)about:
    • Coating effects
    • Clamping
    • Magnets
    • Electrostactic actuation
    • Parametric instabilities dumpers
  • Design of the advanced detectors payloads
  • Payload handling
  • What happens in case of failure?