The Conference fee for participants will be 480 €.
There will be no fee for companions. The fee will be reduced by 50% for participants spending not more than two nights at the Hotel.
Major currencies other than Euro will be accepted. The daily exchange rates will be applied.
The fee is payable before the Conference at the following bank account:
Piazza Paolo Ferrari 10
20121 Milano (Italy)
IBAN:IT77 I030 6909 6061 0000 0017 573 BIC: BCITITMM
in the name of: Associazione Rencontres de Physique de La Vallee d'Aoste Via dell'Imbrecciato 81/B
PROV: RM CAP: 00149 00149 Roma
Ref: La Thuile 2025, fee of (participant's name).
NB: A PoS will be available at the Secretariat
The Conference fee will cover the cost of all social events.