10–12 Feb 2025
Europe/Rome timezone

The Archimedes Experiment: a way for exploring the Vacuum-Gravity Interaction

10 Feb 2025, 15:50
Aula Salvini (INFN-LNF)

Aula Salvini


Via Enrico Fermi, 54 00044 Frascati (Roma)


Dr Paola Puppo (INFN - ROMA)


The Archimedes experiment has the goal to measure the vacuum fluctuations interaction with Gravity. A high sensitive balance is employed to measure the small weight variations of high Tc superconducting samples when they pass to their superconductive status.
We descrive the challenging experimental solutions adopted for having a very efficient heat exchange with the samples only through the radiation mechanism and we present the first promising results to reach the goal of this experiment.

Primary author

Dr Paola Puppo (INFN - ROMA)

Presentation materials