10–12 Feb 2025
Europe/Rome timezone

Despite its great success, the Standard Model of particle physics has significant limitations. It does not account for the observed imbalance between matter and antimatter in the Universe, it cannot explain the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and it fails to incorporate gravity. Many extensions of the Standard Model, including models of dark matter, predict the existence of new particles with sub-MeV masses, interacting very weakly with ordinary matter. These particles could manifest through violations of discrete or Lorentz symmetries, temporal variations in fundamental constants, new forces, or as candidates for dark matter and dark energy. Precision experiments at low-energy and medium-scale facilities hold the potential to detect these phenomena. This workshop aims to foster collaborative approaches to low-energy tests of new physics in microwave, optical, atomic, nuclear, and condensed matter systems.

Kindly proceed to the videoconference session (on the left menu) to join the conference via Zoom.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Access to the Zoom Room is protected behind Indico authentication and waiting room.

Aula Salvini
Via Enrico Fermi, 54 00044 Frascati (Roma)

Organizing Committee:

Gianni Carugno (INFN-Padova)

Angelo Esposito (Sapienza)

Claudio Gatti (INFN-LNF)

Antonio Davide Polosa (Sapienza)

Federico Mescia (INFN-LNF)

Bernard Van Heck (Sapienza)

Marco Vignati (Sapienza)

International Committee:

Diego Blas (UAB, ICREA)

Alessio Celi (UAB)

Maurizio Giannotti (Zaragoza)

Leticia Tarruell (ICFO)

Luca Visinelli (Shanghai)


Local Organizing Committee:

Claudio Gatti (Chair)

Alessandro D'Elia

Federico Mescia (Co-chair)

Laura Natoli (Secretariat)

Alex Piedjou

Alessio Rettaroli

Simone Tocci