Advancements in Silicon Carbide-Based Detectors for High-Performance Radiation Dosimetry and Beam Monitoring: from simulations to test phase
G. D’Agata$^{1,2}$, N.S. Martorana $^2$, A. Barbon$^{1,2}$, G. Cardella$^2$, E. Geraci$^{1,2,3}$, L. Acosta$^{4,5}$, C. Altana$^6$, A. Castoldi$^7$, E. De Filippo$^2$, S. De Luca$^6$, P. Figuera$^6$, B. Gnoffo$^{1,2}$, C. Guazzoni$^7$, C. Maiolino$^6$, E.V. Pagano$^6$, S. Pirrone $^2$, G. Politi $^{1,2}$, L. Quattrocchi$^{2,8}$, F. Risitano$^{2,8}$, F. Rizzo$^{1,3,6}$, P. Russotto$^6$, G. Sapienza$^6$, M. Trimarchi$^{2,8}$, S. Tudisco$^6$, C. Zagami $^{1,3,6}$
$^1$ Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia “Ettore Majorana”, Università degli Studi di Catania, Catania, Italy
$^2$ INFN-Sezione di Catania, Catania, Italy
$^3$ CSFNSM, Catania, Italy
$^4$ Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México City, Mexico
$^5$ Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Spain
$^6$ INFN-LNS, Catania, Italy
$^7$ DEIB Politecnico Milano and INFN Sez. Milano, Milano, Italy
$^8$ Dipartimento MIFT, Università di Messina, Messina, Italy
Silicon Carbide (SiC) based detectors have been appointed as possible candidates for new-generation detectors for both radiation and charged particles. SiC is in fact a material characterized by a high radiation hardness, a strong mechanical resistance and thermal stability. Also, its high breakdown field and saturation velocity could allow a fast charge collection [1,2]. In consideration of such properties and the biocompatibility and insensitivity to light [3], SiC detectors can be used as high-performing and easy-to-use biomedical sensors and dosimeters.
In this contribution, some of the activities related to the study of the Silicon Carbide device as dosimeter or real time beam monitor, in the framework of Samothrace ecosystem [4], are presented.
Specifically, proton beams and radioactive sources were used to analyze the performance of a SiC device with segmented geometry. Investigations were conducted on the effects of interactions between different pads, as well as the cross-talk, the interaction between electric fields of different pads, the inter-pad contribution and the edge effects.
Focus of this contribution is the development of accurate simulations, conducted with Geant4 tools. The signals expected for a 10 μm and a 100 μm SiC detectors, with a 2x2 padded configuration, were reproduced when irradiated by alpha radioactive sources of 3-4 AMeV. The performed simulation takes into account the different possible configurations and manufacture of the detector, and represented a crucial tool to understand the electric field of the inter-pad regions, and to get a proper identification of lost events. Also, a thorough evaluation of electric field effects, performed using different simulations tools, is ongoing.
[1] Tudisco, S. La Via, F., Agodi, C., et al. (2018), Sensors 18, 7, 2289.
[2] Parisi, G., Romano, F., and Schettino, F. (2022), Frontiers in Physics 10, doi: 10.3389/fphy.2022.1035956.
[3] M. De Napoli, Frontiers in Physics 10:898833, (2022).
[4] https://www.samothrace.eu