ALICE+ePIC - 25/09/2024
Participants: Francesco, Francesca B., Francesca E., Sofia T., Bianca, Giovanni, Nicola
(online) Rosario, Andrea, Antonio, Arvind, Rajesh, Davide, Edoardo, Gaia, Sandro, Sofia S., Neelima, Nicolò
Sofia T - Update on the proton femtoscopy analysis in pp collisions
Q: what is the precision on the pair wave function? THe WF is obtained from model calculation (Lednicky + box strong potential). Uncertainty on the model could ocme from the propagated unertainty on the parameters obtained from fit of the phase shifts (very precise - highly constrained) or from variations of the model, but at the moment it is not considered because we are limited by the uncertainty on the experimental CF
Q: can you use TOF below 0.8, in OR and not AND with TPC to increase purity? Yes, we could use it in OR (not in AND or we reduce the stat due to matching eff) - for now, it was a choice not to use it.
Q: in the CF you have a large stat uncert on the lowest k* bin: why and how is it affecting your fit? Due to statistics of the sample, we leave it with this binning because itherwise we are not able to obtain the theoretically expected CF shape, with the downward fall at low k*. The stat. uncert. are dominating the sys. uncert.
Edoardo - Characterisation of Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGADs)
Q: Are the structures you plan to use for the PhD thesis available already? Some prototype seems to be available.
Q: Slide 7: why does after the plateau the peak resolution rises again? How is resolution calculated? Resolution calculated as the fraction between the sigma and the mean obtained from the fit to the signal. For some voltages, the signal is low and fit difficult. TO be followed up.
Q: Slide 7: how are the error bars computed in the plot? To be checked, they are unexpectedly low.
Nicolò - Update on TOF Run3 performance paper
Plot in slide 14 right: label to be fixed, resolution in 1.4 GeV/c is lower than 89 ps
Q (Rosario): If the timescale of this paper is 3 years and we have
already better results, isn't better to move to insert the newest
results in this paper? Otherwise, do we need other three more years to
publish an update?
A (Nicolò+Francesco): We also thought to that, we think it is better to
go out with what is ready which can be a reference for the first ALICE
paper in Run-3. We managed to keep the paper short since it refers to
the very first results. When moving to the latest people expect a more
detailes anaysis (including efficiency and event time studies). In the
last year we improve a lot the reconstruction/calibration chain. We
think that for a future paper we can go faster.
Next meeting: Wed. 30/10/2024 h.10:00 (in that date there will also be the discussion/defense of master thesis -> we need to check the exact time)
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