5–12 Sept 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Additional information


Each PhD student will have 15 minutes: 10 for the presentation, 5 reserved for questions.

They are asked to prepare a presentation, which should not be much longer than a dozen slides, in which they should report on:

  • the research topic and objectives of your PhD program;
  • the overall planning that will enable you to complete the 3-years doctoral program with the timely submission of the final thesis in September 2026;
  • the courses, the exams and other training activities (e.g. Schools) that you have taken and will take during the 1st academic year;
  • the courses and exams you plan to take in the 2nd year;
  • the research activities carried out so far and those planned for the 2nd year;
  • any other academic achievement you wish to present.

They are also invited to present a report, approved by their supervisors.


The presentations will take place via video-conference on Zoom: all PhD students are warmly invited to attend the presentations by colleagues from the different curricula.
Lecturers of each curriculum and supervisors are also welcome!

Zoom link to attend

ID: 948 6151 9883
Access code: 660111

The link will be the same for each day of the presentations.