November 18, 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Network Access

An Eduroam Wi-Fi network will be available in the meeting areas.
Participants owning a INFN account, may also use the INFNdot1X Wi-Fi network.
Participants who are not enabled to join the Eduroam or the INFNdot1X network may apply to access the INFN-WEB Wi-Fi network for visitors, as explained in the following instructions.


Instructions for visitors
(This procedure should be done well in advance, before arriving at LNF).

To access the INFN-WEB network visitors are required to:
1. register in the INFN Identity database*:
• specify Name, Family Name, mail address and choose a password;
• validate the registration by using the link received by email.

2. connect to: ** and follow these steps:
• log-in with the email address and the password entered in the above registration;
• click on Enabling Requests;
• click on IT Resources and press Next Step;
• provide the required personal data;
• read and accept the information note on the processing of personal data at INFN
and press Next Step;
• choose the site where to carry out your identification: Laboratori Nazionali di
Frascati, add the message: WIFI ACCESS “event name”, and press Next Step;
• choose the site (as above) and the contact person who will have to approve your
request: [Bertelli Rita];
• read and accept the regulation for the use of INFN computing resources and press
Next Step;
• verify the entered data and press Submit.

Access to INFN-WEB network will be available after accreditation at the reception desk.

* If you are already registered in the INFN Identity database skip point 1 and go to point 2
** If you already applied for IT Resources, contact the secretariat to ask for network access