Gabriel de Barros
(Universidade de São Paulo)
We present new, data-driven analysis methods for the measurement of reconstructed jets over a broad kinematic range, in the complex environment of heavy ion collisions. We utilize simple model calculations that contain the essential features of jet reconstruction in nuclear collisions at both energies, in order to assess systematic uncertainties of the methods due to large experimental backgrounds. Based on a Bayesian approach to unfolding of background effects, we establish criteria for systematically significant jet measurements over the full jet energy range at both RHIC and LHC. These criteria are satisfied only by specific choices of inclusive and coincidence observables, which have not been considered previously.
Primary author
Gabriel de Barros
(Universidade de São Paulo)
Bo Fenton-Olsen
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Mateusz Ploskon
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Peter Jacobs
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)