
[Quminars] Exploring quantum observables at the LHC

by Federica Fabbri (University of Bologna and INFN)

Aula Magna - Sede Irnerio (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia)

Aula Magna - Sede Irnerio

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia

Via Irnerio, 46

IIn recent years, a new field has been opened, bridging quantum information principles with high-energy physics at colliders. This novel direction explores whether successful techniques from analyzing quantum systems can be applied to collider physics. Entanglement, a hallmark of quantum systems, is investigated alongside other quantum-inspired observables like Bell's inequality violation, leveraging the highest energies ever attained. This interdisciplinary endeavor is rapidly advancing, promising insights into fundamental physics beyond the standard model and potential applications in quantum technology.

Federica Fabbri
A Marie Curie European Fellow and RTDb at the University of Bologna, where I returned after post-docs between CERN and the University of Glasgow. I am part of ATLAS collaboration, and my main research interest have been on top-quark physics and jet substructure and I am currently leading the group producing Monte Carlo samples for top-quark measurements. In the last couple of years I have developed a strong interest in the growing field of quantum observables studies at LHC, that I am now following both through the analysis of ATLAS data and with phenomenological studies.
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Passcode: Quminars24
Organised by

Matteo Franchini