Gianpiero Gervino
(Università di Torino / INFN)
22/05/2012, 18:56
P2 - Applications
The proliferation of neutron detection application based upon $^3$He proportional counter has triggered a critical shortage of $^3$He gas. The annual demand of $^3$He for US homeland security alone has been evaluated more than the worldwide supply, with the effect of limiting the perspectives of nuclear physics applications that up to now rely strongly upon $^3$He-based detectors. Nowadays...
Jiro Kawada
(Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, Laboratory for High Energy Physics (LHEP), University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland)
22/05/2012, 18:57
P2 - Applications
Nuclear emulsion detectors have been widely used in nuclear and particle physics field especially for their excellent position resolution. Nowadays the state-of-the-art scanning microscopes, conceived and realized for experiments on neutrino physics, allow us to exploit the emulsion detectors in many fields mainly for the automated emulsion scanning and fast read-out achieved. Possible...
Paolo Musico
(INFN - Genova)
22/05/2012, 18:57
P2 - Applications
A compact readout system for a matrix of Silicon PhotoMultipliers (SiPM) has been developed in the framework of the TOPEM (TOf PEt Mri) INFN research program.
The electronic system was designed to completely handle 128 pixels (a SiPM matrix), independently measuring both the arrival time of the incoming photons and the charge of the detected signal.
The design is based on existing ASICs,...
Saikat Biswas
(GSI - Darmstadt)
22/05/2012, 18:57
P2 - Applications
All over the world, mainly scintillator-based detectors are being used for PET Imaging. Due to the high cost of the existing systems, extensive R&D is being performed to find an alternative detector. Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) with time resolution ~ tens of pico-seconds is considered to be a good alternative. In this work we present the development of Bakelite and glass-based...
Katrin Straub
(University of Pisa / INFN)
22/05/2012, 18:57
P2 - Applications
Positron emission tomography (PET) is a valuable technique to monitor in-situ and non-invasively the delivered dose in ion beam therapy exploiting the beta+ activity produced in nuclear interactions along the beam path within the target volume. Due to the high beam-induced radiation flux and, at the same time, low statistics of annihilation photons, as of to date data are usually acquired...
Gabriela Llosa
22/05/2012, 18:57
P2 - Applications
High performance detectors based on continuous crystals coupled to SiPMs have been assembled and tested for the development of a sub-millimetre resolution small animal PET prototype.
The prototype consists of two rotating heads, each made of a continuous 12x12mm LYSO crystal coupled to a monolithic, 64- pixel SiPM matrix from FBK-irst. Detectors with 5 mm and 10 mm thick crystals have been...
Paolo Colombetti
(Università di Torino / INAF)
22/05/2012, 18:57
P2 - Applications
The radioactivity in natural samples like cosmogenic isotopes in meteorites, in Moon samples and in earth and ice in Antarctica, for example, produced by protons, neutrons, $\mu$ mesons and other charged particles is very low, usually below 0.001 disintegration per gram. Therefore, very special techniques are required, particularly if the sample can not be destroyed for chemical separation and...
Lucia Consiglio
(Università di Napoli / INFN)
22/05/2012, 18:57
P2 - Applications
The recent development of very fast, automated scanning microscopes has made possible the application of nuclear emulsion detectors in large physics experiments, as well as in new interesting fields such as muon radiography of volcanoes. Muon radiography exploits the same basic principle as the standard medical radiography: it measures the absorption of quasi-horizontal cosmic-ray muons when...
Andrew Weisenberger
(Jefferson Lab)
22/05/2012, 18:57
P2 - Applications
The detection of the emissions of radioactive isotopes through radioactive decay has been used for over 80 years as a tracer method for studying natural phenomena. Recently a positron emitting radioisotope of carbon: carbon-11 has been utilized as a $^{11}$CO$_2$tracer for plant ecophysiology research. Because of its ease of incorporation into the plant via photosynthesis, the $^{11}$CO$_2$...
Andrea Lavagno
(Politecnico di Torino)
22/05/2012, 18:57
P2 - Applications
Geophysical survey is employed for natural hazard and geological risk mitigation in many natural context, the real-time monitoring of several physical parameters is a powerful tool in the surveillance of volcanic and seismic area. Monitoring gas emanation from soil allows to get information about volcano activity, fault surveillance as well as the analysis of the hydrothermal systems. Radon...
Katrin Straub
(University of Pisa / INFN)
22/05/2012, 18:57
P2 - Applications
The pixel identification capability is a common problem of gamma-ray detectors using matrices of scintillating materials coupled to position sensitive photodetectors. In Positron Emission Tomography (PET) systems an improvement of pixel identification leads to a reduction of the coding factor thus improving the spatial resolution of the system.
In order to promote light spread and avoid...
Marcel Zeller
(Albert Einstein Center for fundamental Physics, LHEP, University of Bern)
22/05/2012, 18:57
P2 - Applications
The RFQ linac originally used at LEP has been recommissioned and put back into operation at the Laboratory for High Energy Physics (LHEP) of the University of Bern. The primary goals are to enable the elemental analysis of given targets via particle-induced gamma emission (PIGE), and the detection of potentially dangerous materials with high nitrogen content using the gamma-resonant nuclear...
Walter Scandale
(INFN - Roma 1 / CERN)
22/05/2012, 18:57
P2 - Applications
The UA9 experimental equipment was installed in the CERN-SPS in March ’09 with
the aim of investigating crystal assisted collimation in coasting mode. Its basic layout comprises silicon bent crystals acting as primary collimators mounted inside two vacuum vessels. A movable 60 cm long block of tungsten located downstream at about 90 degrees phase advance intercepts the deflected beam....