Alessandro Rossi
(INFN - Perugia)
The SuperB project is an asymmetric e+e− accelerator of $10^{36}cm^{−2}s^{−1}$ luminosity, capable of collecting a data sample of 50–75 ab$^{−1}$ in five years of running. The SuperB electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC) provides energy and direction measurement of photons and electrons, and is used for identification of electrons versus other charged particles. In particular we will present its design, geometry study and related simulations, as well as R&D on LYSO crystals and development on readout and electronics. A matrix of 25 crystals has been tested at the PS beam test facility at CERN in October 2010 at energies between 1 GeV and 3 GeV and at the Beam Test Facility of Frascati (BTF) in May 2011 at energies between 200 MeV and 500 MeV. Results from these tests will be presented.
for the collaboration
SuperB EMC Group
Primary author
Alessandro Rossi
(INFN - Perugia)