20–26 May 2012
<font color=green >La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy</color=green><!-- ID_UTENTE=804 -->
Europe/Rome timezone

Comparative Characterization of Pixel Detectors at Very High Fluences - Diamond versus Silicon

24 May 2012, 13:31
<font color=green >La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy</color=green><!-- ID_UTENTE=804 -->

<font color=green >La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy</color=green><!-- ID_UTENTE=804 -->

<a href=http://www.elba4star.it>Hotel Hermitage</a> 57037 La Biodola Isola d'Elba (LI), Italy
Poster P5 - Solid State Detectors Solid State Detectors - Poster Session


Prof. Norbert Wermes (University of Bonn)


Measurements on irradiated diamond pixel detectors (poly-crystalline and single crystal) equipped with the ATLAS FE-I4 pixel readout chip are confronted with similar silicon pixel detectors regarding their performance at high radiation fluences as expected at an HL-LHC. Within the competition of CVD diamond detectors with silicon the question of the expected S/N – ratio (SNR) after irradiation has been an issue ever since. While before radiation damage silicon yields a larger signal due to the much smaller band gap at similar noise levels, this situation changes in environments in which fluences in excess of $\approx 10^{15}$ neq/cm$^2$ are expected. Diamond is attractive because of its tiny leakage current even after irradiation and its smaller capacitance both rendering lower noise. We present measurements on irradiated poly- and mono-crystalline pixel sensors in comparison with silicon pixel devices, equipped with the FE-I4 chip. The noise for both diamond and silicon detectors is determined by a full transient noise analysis and by measuring the different pixel capacitances with a dedicated chip (PixCap). The simulations are compared with measurements. The comparison is finally completed by predicting the signal an the leakage current at a given fluence and dividing by the noise. The result is the signal to noise ratio for a given fluence for diamond and planar silicon pixel detectors.

Primary author

Prof. Norbert Wermes (University of Bonn)


Fabian Huegging (University of Bonn) Hans Krüger (University of Bonn) Harris Kagan (Ohio State University) Jieh-Wen Tsung (University of Bonn) Mirek Havranek (University of Bonn)

Presentation materials