Lucy Kogan
(Oxford University)
About one year after the first proton proton collisions at a centre of
mass energy of $\sqrt{s}= 7$TeV the ATLAS experiment
has achieved an accuracy of the jet energy measurement between 2-4%
for jet transverse momenta from 20 GeV to 2 TeV in the pseudo-rapidity
region up to eta=4.5. The jet energy scale uncertainty is derived
from in-situ single hadron response measurement a long with systematic
variations in the Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, the transverse
momentum balance between a central and a forward jet in events
with only two jets at high transverse momentum is exploited.
The obtained uncertainty is confirmed by direct in-situ measurements
exploiting the transverse momentum balance between a jet and a well
measured reference like the photon transverse in photon-jet events or the
total transverse track momentum. Jets in the TeV-energy regime can be
also tested using a system of well calibrated jets at low transverse
momenta against a high-pt jet. Results obtained from 2010 and 2011
will be presented.
for the collaboration