20–26 May 2012
<font color=green >La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy</color=green><!-- ID_UTENTE=804 -->
Europe/Rome timezone

CCALT: a Crystal Calorimeter for the KLOE-2 Experiment

22 May 2012, 13:16
<font color=green >La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy</color=green><!-- ID_UTENTE=804 -->

<font color=green >La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy</color=green><!-- ID_UTENTE=804 -->

<a href=http://www.elba4star.it>Hotel Hermitage</a> 57037 La Biodola Isola d'Elba (LI), Italy
Poster P8 - Calorimetry Calorimetry - Poster Session


Dr Simona Giovannella (INFN - LNF)


In the new design of the DAFNE interaction region, the position of the inner quadrupoles leaves place for inserting a crystal calorimeter to tag low energy photons in the angular region between 10 and 18 degrees thus increasing the acceptance of the central calorimeter for rare eta and kaon decays ( such as $K_s \rightarrow \gamma \gamma$, $\eta \rightarrow \pi^0 \gamma \gamma$, $K_s \rightarrow 3 \pi^0 $ ...) The proposed solution is to insert an homogeneous calorimeter immersed in a 0.52 kG axial magnetic field, CCALT, based on the new generation of crystals, LYSO, characterized by a very high light yield (60% of NaI), 40 ns emission time, high density and radiation length. These crystals match the request for a high efficiency for low energy photons and an excellent time resolution needed by the calorimeter to sustain the high level of machine background events. In order to maximize the light collection and improve its timing performance we have tested its response both with the fastest Hamamatsu APD than with large area SIPMs from FBK-IRST. We have built a prototype matrix of 9 2x2x13 cm$^3$ LYSO crystals read-out by 10x10 mm$^2$ Hamamatsu avalanche photodiodes (APD) surrounded by 12 PBWO for outer leakage recovery (3 Moliere radius in total) read-out by bialkali photomultipliers. We have tested it using cosmic rays, and at electron ( beam test facility of Frascati,2010) and photon beams (MAMI accelerator facility at Mainz, 2011). The measurements carried on ad the BTF in Frascati resulted in a very go

for the collaboration


Primary author

Dr Simona Giovannella (INFN - LNF)

Presentation materials