26 agosto 2024 a 5 settembre 2024
Europe/Rome fuso orario


Dates and deadlines:

Registration fee

-The fee for attending the SIFS 2024 is 900€

The registration fee includes:

  • access to all courses, seminars and tutoring sessions
  • accommodation in a shared double room for the period 25 August – 6 September 2024 (participants are supposed to arrive on the 25th of August and leave on the 6th of September)
  • lunch and dinner at the Scuola Superiore Catania for the period 26 August – 5 September 2024 (included, on site booking will be required)
  • coffee breaks
  • certificate of attendance
  • free WiFi at the venue

The registration fee does not include the social dinner 

-The fee for attending the SIFS 2024 is 450€ (UniCT Students, in this case, please send an official justification of your student condition, signed by your University) 

The registration fee includes:

  • access to all courses, seminars and tutoring sessions
  • lunch at the Scuola Superiore Catania for the period 26 August – 5 September 2024 
  • coffee breaks
  • certificate of attendance
  • free WiFi at the venue

The registration fee does not include the social dinner