9–11 Sept 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Emergence of inflaton potential from asymptotically safe gravity

10 Sept 2024, 15:15
Villa Cerami (Catania)

Villa Cerami


Via Crociferi 91


Agustín Silva (Radboud University)


Asymptotic safety is a powerful mechanism for obtaining a consistent and predictive quantum field theory beyond the realm of perturbation theory. It hinges on an interacting fixed point of the Wilsonian renormalization group flow, which controls the microscopic dynamics. Connecting the fixed point to observations requires constructing the set of effective actions compatible with this microscopic dynamics. In this talk, I will describe how to make this connection at the level of a four-dimensional scalar-tensor theory. As a result, I will show how single-field inflationary models, compatible with observations, naturally emerge from a gravitational UV fixed point. The talk is based on arXiv:2403.08541.

Primary author

Agustín Silva (Radboud University)

Presentation materials