Urania Operations Review Outline

    • Urania Construction & Commissioning: Status

      Brief overview and summary of the Urania Construction & Commissioning progress. Key items addressed include: Status along schedule, Technical delivery evaluation, Key remaining items or milestones, Assessment of barriers to completion (if any), and Projected timeline to transition to Operations.

      • 1
        Summary Presentation

        Slides for presentation
        - Example summary slides from Giacomo Gallina (3/11/2024). Two Operations slides removed

      • 2
        Review of Supporting Materials

        Collection of supporting materials:
        - Complete P6 extract (Gantt)
        - Supporting formal reports (Draft status document)
        - Online site design layout (AutoDesk visualizer)

    • Urania Operations: Plan

      Presentation of plans for Urania Operations

      • 3
        Operations Management Structure

        Operations Management Structure
        - Roles and lines of authority
        - Key supervisory positions

        Draft slides from Henning Back.

      • 4
        Operations Activities

        Activities performed during routine plant operation
        - Monitoring activities
        - Maintenance activities
        - UAr product shipment
        - General facilities upkeep

      • 5
        Cost categories & cost estimate

        All cost categories
        Cost estimation
        Supporting materials for cost estimation:
        - Basis of estimate (BOE)
        - Documentation of BOE (quotes to eng. judgment justification)

        Current status (3/20/2024) provided in attached materials.

      • 6
        External Review

        External review of Operations plan by individual(s) with relevant industry experience.
        Assessment of Urania by agencies anticipated for the month of April 2024, time yet to be settled. Presence of industry expert(s) can provide valuable external input potentially via the anticipated meeting.

    • Urania Operations: Supporting Materials

      Presentation of plans for Urania Operations

      • 7
        Criteria for Start of Operations

        Defining the criteria for the tart of Operations including:
        - Technical Performance
        - Operational
        - Procedural
        - Contractual

        Draft documentation:

      • 8
        Handoff to Operations Guide

        Document listing the plans and materials necessary for a smooth hand-off to routine operations. This includes operational details established and verified during Commissioning including:
        - Staffing resources
        - Plant performance parameters
        - Shift schedule

      • 9
        Maintenance Schedule

        Daily, weekly, monthly, etc. maintenance schedule to define the cadence of maintaining plant operations during the production period.

      • 10
        Risk Register

        Risk Register for Urania (XLSX)
        - Additional proposed Operations risks (Word)
        --- Downstream requirements change
        --- Plant failure due to maintenance schedule delays
        --- Severe injury onsite

      • 11
        UAr Product Shipment & Transport

        Details on the Carleton (Canada) supported effort to provide UAr shipping infrastructure and transport costs.