With this talk, I will first illustrate the implementation of our machine-learning (ML) enhanced quantum state tomography (QST) for continuous variables, through the experimentally measured data generated from squeezed vacuum states, as an example of quantum machine learning. Our recent progress in applying such a ML-QST as a crucial diagnostic toolbox for applications with squeezed states,...
Since the third observation run, Quantum Noise Reduction (QNR) techniques have become fundamental for Gravitational Wave Detectors (GWDs). Various alternatives to broadband QNR are currently being investigated. Specifically, we are exploring the measurement of a GWD signal in the reference frame of an auxiliary quantum system that mimics the dynamics of a free mass and exhibits the same...
We explore the idea of quantum noise reduction in contemporary gravitational wave detectors (GWDs), outlined in [1,2]. In that theoretical proposal, the measurement on the GWD should be performed in a reference frame of the auxiliary quantum system, which has the same response to the quantum noise. If the reference quantum system acts as a harmonic oscillator with an effective negative mass...
The implementation of Fabry-Perot cavities in gravitational-wave detectors has been pivotal to improving their sensitivity, allowing the observation of an increasing number of cosmological events with higher signal-to-noise ratio. Notably, Fabry-Perot cavities play a key role in the frequency-dependent squeezing technique, which provides a reduction of quantum noise over the whole observation...
Quantum noise fundamentally limits the performance of ground-based interferometric gravitational wave detectors (GWDs).
The quantum nature of the light and its interaction with the interferometer defines the so-called interferometric standard quantum limit (SQL).
To further upgrade the GWDs sensitivities, as in the planned A+, VIRGO_nEXT, Einstein Telescope, and Cosmic Explorer, more...
Optical losses introduce noise, impair noise reduction techniques, and degrade signal gain in gravitational wave detectors. The squeezed vacuum state of light is a well-established method for quantum noise reduction. An optical cavity, often called a filter cavity, is essential to impose a frequency-dependent phase rotation on the squeezed vacuum. In the Virgo gravitational wave detector, the...
Phase noise consists into the oscillation of the squeezing angle and it is one of the mechanisms that can degrade the level of squeezing injected in gravitational wave detectors used to reduce quantum noise. This jitter can be due to several reasons. In this talk, we want to show the analysis done to evaluate the contribution given to this noise by the interferometer contrast defect and...