30 settembre 2024 a 2 ottobre 2024
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Social and Cultural Events

Social dinner

A social dinner will be held on the evening of October 1st. Location and exact time have not been defined yet, but we expect the cost to be around 50,00 Euros; please note that this cost is not covered by the conference fee
Please confirm your interest to participate in the registration form, when registering to the workshop. 

Guided visit to the Castello del Buonconsiglio

A guided tour has been organized during in the afternoon of October 1st. All interested participants will be accompanied to visit the Castello del Buonconsiglio
The castle can be reached from the workshop venue with a 15 minutes walk through the center of the city.  
Kindly confirm your interest to participate in the registration form, when registering to the workshop.

All associated costs are included in the registration fee.