New Concepts: S3.1
- Stefano Redaelli
New Concepts
- Gianluca Cavoto (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
New Concepts: S3.2
- Luca Marchitto
A 4-period diamond undulator with a thickness of 20 µm was produced with the method of Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVC), applying boron doping, on a straight diamond crystal with an effective thickness of 165.5 µm. A planar (110) channeling experiment was performed with the 855 MeV electron beam of the Mainz Microtron MAMI accelerator facility to observe the expected undulator peak. The search...
The work investigated the features of the formation and movement of a superdense flow of fast electrons, formed under the action of a polarized high-power laser pulse on the crystal surface, inside a crystal. It is shown that, at a certain orientation of the laser pulse, repeatedly planar channeling of these electrons occurs, with their energy reaching relativistic values.
The report also...
A.V. Shchagin1,2,*, G. Kube1, A.P. Potylitsyn3, S.A. Strokov1
1Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
2Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, Academicheskaya 1, Kharkiv 61108, Ukraine
3Institute of Applied Problems of Physics, 25, Hr. Nersisyan Str., 0014, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
*Corresponding author, e-mail:...
Current limitations in the field of undulators include the inability of state-of-the-art magnetic undulators to achieve periods shorter than a few centimeters. To overcome these limitations, Crystalline Undulators (CUs) consist of periodically bent crystals [1] in which channeled electrons or positrons follow the bending of the crystalline planes must be developed. These CUs aim to generate...
The investigation methods of photon and ion channeling can give important information about the zone structure and the confinement potential character of the investigated quantum dots (QD). [1,2]. In particular, it is essential at the description of the physical processes in QDs with complicated geometry when the problem of quantum confinement of the particles is fundamentally important for...
Semiconductor nanoplatelets (NPL) are quasi-two-dimensional systems occupying an intermediate position between quantum wells and quantum dots [1]. NPL is considered a promising area for the role of an elementary base for semiconductor devices of a new generation and various applications including ion channeling, sensing, green energetics, etc. [2-5].
The single-electron spectrum in NPL...
Solid-state plasma wakefield acceleration has recently garnered attention as a viable alternative for achieving unprecedented ultra-high acceleration gradients on the order of 1 TV/m or beyond [1, 2]. In this context, recent advancements in nanofabrication techniques [3] have opened up the possibility of creating structured plasmas with inhomogeneous properties. For instance, the utilization...
There are not many more effective methods for researching the structure of the universe. However, there are opportunities that will allow to adjust some circumstances. First of all, there is an opportunity to determine the distribution of extragalactic sources with the help of quasar studies, to have more accurate data. Quasars being the brightest sources in the Universe, they can be observed...
X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) is a nondestructive technique to reconstruct and visualize inner features within solid objects as digital informations. An XCT image is typically called a slice, as it corresponds to what the object being scanned would look like if it were sliced open along the plane transverse to the rotation axis. Actually, the best resolution achieved is through X-ray beams...
Permanent Staff Personnel and Associated Personnel of INFN-LNF are setting up the local Astrophysics and Cosmology Team (ACT). The INFN-LNF ACT joined in 2023 the initial development phases of one of the forthcoming next-generation cosmology space-borne probes. The INFN-LNF ACT constituted an Integrated Test Facility (ITF), which is being instrumented in a dedicated space and will also make...
In the proposed model for the anomalous (with negative values for dielectric constant) region of consideration with the assumption of the formation of dipole-domain cells (DDC) in the substance, the state of the substance is characterized by the parameter of the degree of dominant orientational ordering DDC. In the model approximation, matter is considered as a continuous homogeneous medium...
A.V. Shchagin1,2,*, G. Kube1
1Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
2Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, Academicheskaya 1, Kharkiv 61108, Ukraine
*Corresponding author, e-mail:
The Doppler effect in X-ray range emitted by a relativistic oscillator in a medium or by a relativistic charged particle...
On the basis of exact Lienar-Wichert equations a method is developed that determines parametric expressions of the electromagnetic field of a charged particle moving in vacuum on one-dimensional curve in space. Specific parameterization allows to overcome the problem of solving the retardation equation. We call the defined field on a one-dimensional curve the footprint of Lienard-Wiechert...