8–13 Sept 2024
Hotel Corallo, Riccione
Europe/Rome timezone

SYLA accumulator ring status

9 Sept 2024, 18:30
Hotel Corallo, Riccione

Hotel Corallo, Riccione

Viale Gramsci, 113 - Riccione (RN)


Vyacheslav Dyubkov (National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute»)


Two 4th generation synchrotron radiation sources will be in Russia soon. One of it is 3 GeV SKIF in Koltsovo and the another one is 6 GeV SYLA in Protvino (former SSRS-4 and USSR). Both were digned for equlibrium horizontal beam emittance is about 70 pm. The current activities on the SYLA project will be presented. As in most similar state-of-the-art facilities, electron beams will be injected into the SYLA storage synchrotron from a linear resonant accelerator with an energy of 6 GeV (top-off injection), which will also be a driver for the free electron laser. In order to obtain high beam lifetime as well as dynamic aperture, optimization of magnets and high order multipoles was performed.

Primary author

Vyacheslav Dyubkov (National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute»)

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