Mikhail Shevelev
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
Yury Cherepennikov
Accelerators of charged particles are powerful tools used in many fundamental researches and applied tasks. Compact accelerators are currently widely employed for pretesting and proof-of-principle experiments for MegaScience projects, as well as for applied purposes. In particular, electron accelerators allowing generating of few MeV beams are used for testing of different techniques of beam diagnostics, radiation exposure experiments etc. In this work, we present the detailed technical report of Microtron M-5 at Tomsk Polytechnic University after major upgrade, and scope and current status of experimental studies.
Primary authors
Alexander Potylitsyn
(IAPP, Armenia)
Alexey Gogolev
(Tomsk polytechnic university)
Artem Vukolov
(Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenin Ave. 30, Tomsk 634050, Russia)
Dmitry Shkitov
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
Gennady Naumenko
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
Mikhail Shevelev
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
Sergey Uglov
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
Yury Cherepennikov