Alessio Carmelo Alvaro
(Università di Pavia)
Sub-leading twist contributions to scattering processes, such as semi-inclusive DIS (SIDIS), are gaining increased attention as they provide valuable insights that complement leading-twist contributions in probing the proton structure.
In this talk I will present the results for the matching relations of twist-3 transverse momentum dependent distributions (TMDs) onto collinear distributions of twist-3. After a brief introduction to twist 3 TMDs, their relevance in the SIDIS angular modulations and the computational technique that we used to obtain the matching relations with the complete series of mass corrections, I will discuss the results and their implication for the SIDIS cross section.
Primary authors
Alessio Carmelo Alvaro
(Università di Pavia)
Barbara Pasquini
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Simone Rodini