
Self-supervised learning: introduction and applications in medical research

by Dr Andrea Espis


In recent years, the convergence of cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and advancements in medical research has paved the way for innovative applications in healthcare. Among these, self-supervised learning (SSL) emerges as a powerful paradigm, revolutionizing how we approach medical diagnostics and therapy.

This seminar aims to introduce the main concepts of SSL, and explore its potential in the medical field. Unlike traditional supervised learning (SL) methods that rely heavily on annotated data, SSL harnesses the inherent structure within the data, enabling models to learn representations without manual labeling, or requiring it significantly less. Case studies will highlight successful implementations, demonstrating how SSL can surpass conventional approaches in a variety of scenarios.

  Attendees will gain insights into the potential benefits of SSL, fostering a deeper understanding of its impact on improving diagnostic accuracy, reducing the burden on healthcare professionals, and ultimately enhancing patient outcomes. As the medical field continues to embrace AI technologies, this seminar serves as a guide to navigating the promising landscape of SSL in revolutionizing healthcare.