16–20 Sept 2024
Sapienza University of Rome
Europe/Rome timezone

Waveform modelling for extreme and intermediate mass-ratio inspirals using a multi-scale self-force approach

18 Sept 2024, 09:00
Physics Department - Aula Amaldi (Marconi Building) (Sapienza University of Rome)

Physics Department - Aula Amaldi (Marconi Building)

Sapienza University of Rome

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 · 06 49911 Rome (Italy)


Niels Warburton (UCD)


The calculation of gravitational wave templates for binaries with disparate masses can be achieved using a (small mass ratio) perturbative expansion. This “self-force” approach was recently pushed to second-order (in the mass ratio) which has enabled the modelling of a wide class of binaries with mass ratios ranging ~10^5:1 to ~30:1. Furthermore, by employing a multi-scale expansion the associated gravitational waveforms can be directly computed on sub-second timescales without the need for any further waveform acceleration. In this talk I will review the multi-scale self-force approach and outline the ongoing program to extend current calculations to cover the full precessing and eccentric parameter space

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