Sep 16 – 20, 2024
Sapienza University of Rome
Europe/Rome timezone


Sep 16, 2024, 11:50 AM
Physics Department - Aula Amaldi (Marconi Building) (Sapienza University of Rome)

Physics Department - Aula Amaldi (Marconi Building)

Sapienza University of Rome

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 · 06 49911 Rome (Italy)


Mattia Panzeri (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


The Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals (EMRIs) are critical astrophysical systems in the study of gravitational waves, where a stellar-mass compact object spirals into a supermassive black hole. Accurate modeling of EMRIs is essential for the success of space-based gravitational wave detectors like LISA. This work presents an improved Effective-One-Body (EOB) model tailored for simulating the EMRIs inspiral with enhanced precision and computational efficiency.
For the orbital part the changes include a new resummation at lower PN compared to the 22PN previously used, with a different treatment of the logarithmic term. In the scenario where the SMBH is a Kerr black hole a different resummation technique is developed based on a separation between the spin even part - which includes the purely orbital part- and the spin odd part.
The model is tested against Gravitational Self Force datas, demonstrating substantial improvements and an improved mathematical consistency. This enhanced EOB model offers a significant step forward in our ability to detect and analyze gravitational wave signals from EMRIs, providing deeper insights into the nature of strong-field gravity and the astrophysical environments surrounding supermassive black holes.

Primary author

Mattia Panzeri (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


Alessandro Nagar (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

Presentation materials