FBK has produced the Trench-Isolated LGADs (TI-LGADs) to study the effect of Carbon on breakdown and demonstrate the scalability of the technology for larger sensors. TI-LGADs have the potential to significantly reduce the no-gain region as compared to the standard LGAD technology. This contribution presents the electrical characterization of TI-LGADs produced under AIDA-INNOVA. The devices...
We present results obtained on the characterization of AC-LGAD sensors developed by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), and TI-LGAD developed at FBK. These two technologies are promising candidates to achieve 4D charged particle tracking. In addition to tests with laser TCT, these devices have been investigated during a test beam campaign organized in the framework of the AIDAInnova WP6...
In this report we present the latest results from our comprehensive study on Ti-LGAD interpixel region under low and high charge injection, using fs-laser and SPA-TCT and TPA-TCT experimental techniques at ELI Beamlines, ELI ERIC. Samples have been investigated using probe station at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Science, and IV/CV distributions will be presented. All...
In the last few years, Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) have demonstrated their outstanding performance when detecting high-energy charged particles. However, the very nature of electrons and holes under avalanche multiplication highlights that this good performance is diminished when they are to detect low penetrating particles (e.g. low-energy protons or soft x-rays). A novel design of an...
Single photon counting and charge integrating hybrid pixel detectors are an established standard for photon science applications at hard X-ray energies between $\sim\,$2 keV and 20 keV. Their capabilities for high frame rates and dynamic range, large area coverage, high signal-to-noise ratio and spatial resolution also make them attractive for applications at soft X-ray energies (< 2keV)....