27–31 May 2024
University of Pavia
Europe/Rome timezone

Recent developments in transverse momentum-dependent parton densities and corresponding parton showers based on parton branching model

Not scheduled
Aula Foscolo (University of Pavia)

Aula Foscolo

University of Pavia

Strada Nuova 65, 27100 Pavia (PV)


Sara Taheri Monfared (DESY)


The Parton Branching (PB) method outlines the evolution of transverse momentum-dependent (TMD) parton distributions across various kinematic regions, ranging from small to large transverse momenta $k_T$. In the small region, the PB method is highly sensitive to both the intrinsic motion of partons (intrinsic $k_T$) and the resummation of soft gluons, as described by the PB TMD evolution equations. The PB method is employed to investigate the role of soft (non-perturbative) gluon emissions in TMD, along with integrated collinear parton densities. Notably, soft gluons make a significant contribution to collinear parton densities. Within the PB framework, the Sudakov form factor is divided into perturbative and non-perturbative components. Analytical calculation of the non-perturbative part is feasible under specific conditions. The inclusion of soft (non-perturbative) gluons in parton density evolution is crucial for effectively canceling divergent terms.

It is suggested that the non-perturbative part of the Sudakov form factor has its correspondence in TMD parton distributions. In the PB approach, this non-perturbative Sudakov form factor is constrained through fits of inclusive, collinear parton densities. A detailed examination of the PB TMD methodology at next-to-leading order (NLO) in Drell-Yan (DY) production for low transverse momenta is presented. The extraction of intrinsic $k_T$ is showcased, demonstrating minimal dependence on DY mass and center-of-mass energy. This contrasts with tuned standard Monte Carlo event generators, which typically exhibit a strong increase in intrinsic Gauss width with center-of-mass energy.

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