Energetic jets are rare auto-generated probes that offer the opportunity to reveal the inner workings of the most ideal liquid in Nature, the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). This new phase of deconfined QCD matter, which filled the Universe a few microseconds after the Big Bang, is today produced in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and the LHC. As jets traverse the flowing QGP, they get modified via color interactions — and modify the medium in turn, producing ripples on this fluid. However, due to the multi-scale and multi-partonic nature of jets, extracting precise information about the properties of the QGP from jet observables is a challenging task. In this talk I will review newly developed strategies aimed to disentangle between different competing phenomena, ranging from jet substructure to machine learning techniques, the use of boson-jet ensembles and jet rapidity scans. I will give an overview of the main open questions in the field and how we plan to address them with the upcoming runs at RHIC and LHC.
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