This presentation delves into recent developments in string cosmology, specifically focusing on the refinement of the Hohm-Zwiebach approach through an Hamiltonian reformulation. A general criterion is established to have $O(d,d)$ invariant actions to all orders in $\alpha'$ connecting $T$-duality related perturbative solutions of string cosmology equations. Assuming a timely approach to the perturbative string vacuum with zero curvature and string coupling, our solutions demonstrate dilaton stabilization at later times. The result converges dynamically towards a matter-dominated FLRW cosmology or a De-Sitter-like inflationary phase, dependent on the initial conditions and the characteristics of the dilation potential. As a remarkable feature, for the same class of initial conditions, this scenario also provides a mechanism to wash out (arbitrarly large) anisotropic initial conditions.
This work explores Hamiltonian reformulations, non-perturbative effects, and the emergence of late time attractors in string cosmology.
The presentation will be based on arXiv:2308.16076