
A. Banerjee - FRENA: India’S 3MV Nuclear Astrophysics Accelerator


The 3MV tandem accelerator housed in the FRENA building at SINP Kolkata is India’s tool to address interesting outstanding questions in the field of Nuclear Astrophysics and beyond. This high-current, low-energy machine is capable of delivering beams of ions across the periodic table. FRENA can deliver direct and pulsed proton and alpha beams, and direct beams for heavier ions. There are 3 existing beam lines, with provisions for suitable end-stations. The machine was commissioned in 2022. Multiple ideas for investigating open questions are already being worked upon to try and design a Day-0 experiment, and Phase-1 campaign. A variety of developmental activities towards augmenting the user infrastructure are in progress at FRENA. During this talk, I will focus on the present status as well as short, medium and long term goals for FRENA.
Dr. Akashrup Banerjee 
Associate Professor 'E' 
Nuclear Physics Division
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics 
Kolkata, India


Organised by

Matthias Junker
Head of the Accelerator Service of LNGS