Chair: Francesco Vissani
Guijun Ding
(University of Science and Technology of China)
18/06/2024, 11:15
Plenary talk
It is known that the lepton mixing angles are completely different from the quark mixing angles.
The fundamental principle behind the flavor mixing structure remains unknown. I shall review the different approaches to predict the lepton mixing angles and the Dirac and Majorana CP violation phases from theory, commenting also on their experimental tests. Their implications in neutrino ...
Mikhail Shaposhnikov
18/06/2024, 11:40
Plenary talk
Extensions of the Standard Model explaining neutrino masses and oscillations lead to a possible understanding of why the Universe contains more baryons than antibaryons. I will discuss how the baryogenesis and a mechanism of Majorana neutrino mass generation may be experimentally tested.
Maurizio Spurio
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
18/06/2024, 12:05
Plenary talk