First-principle event reconstruction by time-charge readouts for the Taishan Antineutrino Observatory

21 Jun 2024, 17:30
Near Aula Magna (U6 building) (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Near Aula Magna (U6 building)

University of Milano-Bicocca

Poster Reactor neutrinos Poster session and reception 2


Xuewei Liu


The Taishan Antineutrino Observatory (TAO) is a satellite experiment of the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) to precisely measure the reactor neutrino spectrum with sub-percent energy resolution at 1 MeV. The TAO detector is a 2.8-ton Gd-doped liquid scintillator (LS) detector and the LS is contained in a spherical acrylic vessel and viewed by $\sim 10\ \rm m^2$ inward-facing SiPMs corresponding to a coverage of 94%. We use an inhomogeneous Poisson process and Tweedie generalized linear model (GLM) to describe the SiPM response. We develop a pure probabilistic method using the time and charge of SiPMs from first principles to reconstruct point-like events in the TAO detector. After validation with the TAO simulation data, the performance of our model is found to be quite promising, showing a vertex position resolution better than 16 mm and an energy resolution of about 2% at 1 MeV. Our methodology is also applicable to other experiments that utilize PMTs for time and charge readouts.

Poster prize Yes
Given name Xuewei
Surname Liu
First affiliation Tsinghua University
Institutional email
Gender Male
Collaboration (if any) JUNO Collaboration

Primary author

Presentation materials