16–22 giu 2024
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Pile-up rejection for AMoRE-II

18 giu 2024, 17:30
Near Aula Magna (U6 building) (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Near Aula Magna (U6 building)

University of Milano-Bicocca

Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milano, 20126
Poster Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Poster session and reception 1


Yoomin Oh (Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science (CUP/IBS))


In the neutrinoless double beta decay search using a low-temperature detector technique such as AMoRE, one of the major background sources at the energy range of interest is an accidental coincidence of two background signals at one crystal detector, so-called pile-up. While a large mass$\cdot$time exposure is the key parameter of the experimental sensitivity, the pile-up event rate ultimately limits the crystal size, which determines the number of detector modules and data acquisition channels. For a typical AMoRE crystal detector with a cylindrical shape of 6 cm in both diameter and height and 2-3 millisecond signal rise-time, the pile-up event rate in AMoRE-II with ~360 detector modules can be suppressed down below 3$\times10^{-5}$ counts/keV/kg/year level using multivariate analysis of pulse shape parameters.

Poster prize No
Given name Yoomin
Surname Oh
First affiliation Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science (CUP/IBS)
Institutional email yoomin@ibs.re.kr
Gender Male
Collaboration (if any) AMoRE Collaboration

Autori principali

Dr. Moohyun Lee (Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science (CUP/IBS)) Yoomin Oh (Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science (CUP/IBS))


Sig. Daehoon Ha (Kyungpook National University) Dr. Eunju Jeon (Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science (CUP/IBS)) Dr. Jeewon Seo (Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science (CUP/IBS)) Dr. Wootae Kim (Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science (CUP/IBS)) Dr. Yeongduk Kim (Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science (CUP/IBS))

Materiali di presentazione