Actual trajectory measurement for multi-echo GRE at 7T using a field camera system

20 May 2024, 18:50
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba

La Biodola, Isola d'Elba

Hotel Hermitage
Poster Next-gen MR Poster Session


Paolo Cecchi (IMAGO7 Foundation)


Ultrahigh Field (UHF) MRI can provide images with unprecedented spatial resolution and SNR. Together with the increased sensitivity towards longitudinal relaxation time and magnetic susceptibility effects, this allows for a better tissue characterization (i.e., QSM, T1/T2 relaxometry). Efficient quantification of such parameters requires k-space sampling strategies which fully exploit the capability of the gradient system (e.g., Non-Cartesian, EPI). However, these are more sensitive to the effects of the eddy current fields induced by the waveforms themselves, leading to deviations from theoretical k-space trajectories and subsequent image distortions. To fully take advantage of the benefits offered from UHF, it is necessary to correct these artifacts by measuring the actual sampling pattern. Here, we used a field-camera (Skope Magnetic Resonance Technologies) to measure the actual gradient waveforms employed during the acquisition and reconstruct artifact-free quantitative T2* maps of the brain of an healthy volunteer at 7 T. In future works, we will apply the corrections to more efficient but more error-prone acquisition strategies such as non-Cartesian and EPI-based Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting, QSM, fMRI and Diffusion.

Field Systems and applications

Primary author

Matteo Cencini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


Dr Laura Biagi (IRCCS Stella Maris) Paolo Cecchi (IMAGO7 Foundation) Dr Marta Lancione (IRCCS Stella Maris) Dr Michela Tosetti (IRCCS Stella Maris)

Presentation materials