Demonstration of LGADs and Cherenkov gamma detectors for prompt gamma timing range verification of proton therapy

22 May 2024, 11:20
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba

La Biodola, Isola d'Elba

Hotel Hermitage
Oral Fast timing Specialized fast detectors


Ryan Heller (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


The great potential for precision dose delivery with proton therapy remains to be fully exploited, largely due to uncertainties in range that require conservative treatment margins. Analysis of time distributions from prompt gamma-ray emissions offers a means to precisely verify the range in real time and shrink treatment margins, thus increasing effectiveness and reducing toxicity.

We demonstrate a prototype prompt gamma timing system to detect proton range shifts, based on Low Gain Avalanche Detectors, used to time incoming protons, and Cherenkov detectors, to time the outgoing prompt gammas.Using this system, we are able to detect range shifts induced in a PMMA phantom with about 1 mm precision consistently with several LGAD pixels and 3 different Cherenkov detectors. These detector concepts deliver promising performance and are suitable for scaling to intense particle rates and backgrounds in realistic clinical environment.

Field Systems and applications

Primary author

Ryan Heller (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


Gerard Arino-Estrada (UC Davis, Department of Biomedical Engineering) Joshua Cates (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Justin Ellin (UC Davis, Department of Biomedical Engineering) Leonor Rebolo (UC Davis, Department of Biomedical Engineering) Nicolaus Kratochwil (UC Davis, Department of Biomedical Engineering) Woon-Seng Choong (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Presentation materials