7–12 Sept 2008
Hotel Porto Conte
Europe/Rome timezone

Simulations for linear and fully nonlinear Thomson Scattering with TSST code

11 Sept 2008, 09:00
Hotel Porto Conte

Hotel Porto Conte

Porto Conte, Alghero (Sardinia) - Italy
Invited Morning


Dr Paolo Tomassini (I.N.F.N. sect. of Milan)

Primary author

Dr Paolo Tomassini (I.N.F.N. sect. of Milan)


Dr Alberto Bacci (I.N.F.N. sect. of Milan) Dr Antonio Giulietti (I.P.C.F-CNR, Pisa) Dr Carlo Benedetti (I.N.F.N. sect. of Bologna) Prof. Danilo Giulietti (I.N.F.N. sect. of Pisa) Dr Leonida Gizzi (I.P.C.F-CNR, Pisa) Prof. Luca Serafini (I.N.F.N. sect. of Milan) Dr Vittoria Petrillo (Dip. Fisica Univ. of Milano)

Presentation materials