11–13 Oct 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

Gluon production in high energy proton nucleus collisions at the LHC

Not scheduled
Il Palazzone (Cortona)

Il Palazzone



Mr Gabriele Parisi


The initial stage of Ultra Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions is dominated by low Bjorken-x degrees of freedom, which can be understood as a classical color field, obeying classical Yang-Mills equations. Such a phase, occurring in the first fractions of a fm after the collision and leading towards an equilibrated quark gluon plasma, is called the Glasma. Indeed, we will discuss particle production by the Glasma fields in high energy p-A collisions. We investigate the behaviour of the energy density, the transverse and longitudinal pressures and highlight the setting up of a free streaming regime after a very short time. We then compute the gluon spectrum and its dependence on the saturation scale. We also discuss the possibility of non-zero $v_n$ in the initial stage.

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