The status of nuclear models used in the analysis of ongoing and planned neutrino oscillation experiments, notably T2K and DUNE, will be reviewed. Recent progress in the study of semi-inclusive reactions will be presented and discussed.
Lepton-nucleus interaction is analyzed, in particular in the quasi-elastic region, using several nuclear models. The MEC are also included, that provide contributions in the so called 'dip region'. Both direct and exchange terms are evaluated.
The inverse process of ${}^{9}\mathrm{Be}$ photo-disintegration, including both sequential and direct reactions combining two $\alpha$ and a neutron into $^9\textrm{Be}$, is a reaction of astrophysical interest, because it represents an alternative path to the ${}^{12}\mathrm{C}$ formation in a neutron-rich environment. Here we present the study of the inclusive reaction $\gamma +...
The necessity of calculating reliable nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless double $\beta$ decay has further stimulated the research on the mechanisms responsible for the renormalization of the $\beta$-decay operator. We tackle this point using the many-body perturbation theory to derive effective Hamiltonian and operators for nuclear shell model calculations. Here, I will present recent...
In this talk I will discuss the calculation of the so called European Muon Collaboration (EMC) effect for light-nuclei. To this aim the nuclear structure is described within the relativistic Light-Front (LF) approach. Thanks to this choice, calculations fulfill Poincaré covariance, macroscopic locality, number of particles and momentum sum rules. The procedure has been applied to electron deep...
Building maps of the internal partonic structure of nucleons is a crucial step towards understanding the interactions between quarks and gluons and the phenomenon of confinement.
In this talk I will present an extraction of unpolarized transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution and fragmentation functions, based on more than two thousand data points from several experiments for two...
In the first part of the presentation, we present a study of the spectra and strong decay widths of heavy baryons. The masses of single heavy baryons up to the D-wave are calculated within a constituent quark model, employing both the three-quark and quark-diquark schemes. We calculated the decay widths of the ground and excited single heavy baryons into the heavy single...
This work aims to solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) [1] of two massive scalars bound by the exchange of a massive scalar (solved in Ref. [2] with classical computation) with a Quantum Annealer (QA). One can transform the BSE into a non-symmetric generalized eigenvalue problem (GEVP) (see Ref. [2] for details). For our scope, we are interested to determine only in the maximum and minimum...
In this talk I will present the results of the calculations of the spin-dependent structure functions (SSFs) of the 3He nucleus.
These quantities parametrize the hadronic tensor entering the deep inelastic scattering cross-section involving polarized beams and targets. In particular, the SSFs encode
relevant information on the spin structure of the target. In this analysis we calculate the...
Gravitational wave events involving neutron stars provide interesting information of their interiors. In this talk I will not focus on the compact binary inspirals (GW170817-type events), related to the measurements of the tidal deformability of the components, but present instead other types of observations expected in the future: r-modes from rotating neutron stars, as well as the signals...
At the typical conditions of compact objects and related phenomena, exotic degrees of freedom such as free quarks are expected. The deconfinement of quarks in hadronic matter begins after the first seed of quark matter is created. This process is called nucleation, which occurs by local thermal or quantum fluctuations when the hadronic phase is metastable. I will initially present the...
Glitches, spin-up events in neutron stars, are of prime interest as they reveal properties of nuclear
matter at subnuclear densities. We numerically investigate the glitch mechanism using analogies
between neutron stars and magnetic dipolar gases in the supersolid phase. In rotating neutron stars,
glitches are believed to occur when many superfluid vortices unpin from the interior,...
With the recent experimental realization of quantum computing devices containing tens to hundreds of qubits and fully controllable operations, the theoretical effort in designing efficient quantum algorithms for a variety of problems has seen a tremendous growth worldwide. In this talk I will discuss the potential impact of quantum computing for application in nuclear physics and present some...
Studies of neutrinos from astrophysical environments such as core-collapse supernovae, neutron star mergers and the early universe provide a large amount of information about various phenomena occurring in them. The description of the flavor oscillation is a crucial aspect for such studies, since the physics of matter under extreme conditions is strongly flavor-dependents. The neutrino flavor...
In this talk, we will present our work at the interface between density functional theory (DFT) and ab initio theory. In particular, we will focus on infinite nuclear matter, that we simulate using a description based on a finite number of nucleons, and discuss three research directions:
1. a new ab initio Self-consistent Green's function (SCGF) approach, based on the algebraic...
The study of knockout reactions in which exotic nuclei are used as projectiles, is a hot research topic. We evaluate the accuracy of the description of the core-target interaction, by comparing theoretical and experimental reaction cross sections for a large dataset of knockout reactions carried out with light projectiles on a 9Be target. Our results show that single-folded potential,...
The formation of nuclear clusters constitutes an essential feature for the construction of global and unified equation-of-state (EoS) for nuclear matter. They emerge as many-body correlations, which can be attributed to the nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction, and exist at sub-saturation densities in nuclear matter.
Phenomenological models that make use of energy density functionals (EDFs)...
We develop a kinetic approach to the production of light nuclei up to mass number A = 4 in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions by including them as dynamic degrees of freedom. The conversions between nucleons and light nuclei during the collisions are incorporated dynamically via the breakup of light nuclei by a nucleon and their inverse reactions. We also include the Mott effect on light...
In the description of the heavy-ion collisions, the success of hydrodynamics even when the system is far from equilibrium has raised some questions about the applicability of this theory and about the evolution of the medium itself, especially for smaller systems like p-A and p-p collisions. It has been found that, well before equilibrium is reached, systems with different initial conditions...
Open quantum systems (OQS) have shown a good performance within other fields of physics, including quantum optics and solid state physics. Recently, it has been implemented in the Heavy Ion Collisions (HIC) field to study different kinds of events such as jet quenching or quarkonia propagation inside the quark-gluon plasma. We will do an overview of OQS towards the motivation and its...
In this talk, I will present the basic models used to understand the dynamics of an ultrarelativistic heavy ion collision.
After the collision of the two nuclei, accelerating at relativistic energy,
the system rapidly local equilibrate and subsequently expand according
to the generic law of relativistic hydrodynamics.
After the system's cooling due to its rapid expansion, the hadrons...
The description and quantitative understanding of the strong interaction between hadrons is one of the most fundamental problems in nuclear physics and it is crucial to describe the evolution and the properties of matter under extreme conditions.
Results from high energy nucleus-nucleus collision experiments using two-particle correlations in the momentum space will be presented. Such a...
In this talk I will present the results of the calculations of the spin-dependent structure functions (SSFs) of the $^3$He nucleus.
These quantities parametrize the hadronic tensor entering the deep inelastic scattering cross-section involving polarized beams and targets. In particular, the SSFs encode
relevant information on the spin structure of the target. In this analysis we...