26–29 Mar 2012
Aula Magna, Faculty of SMFN
Europe/Rome timezone

First Circular

First Circular

September 2011

The 7th International Workshop on “Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams – DREB2012” will be held in Pisa, Italy in early spring 2012.
This meeting, which is being jointly organized by INFN-Pisa and LPC-Caen, will be the latest in the series which began in 1999 at the initiative of physicists working in the field from NSCL-MSU, IPN-Orsay and FSU. Previous meetings were hosted by NSCL-MSU (1999 & 2005), IPN-Orsay (2001), University of Surrey (2003), RIKEN (2007) and FSU (2009). The workshop focuses on the experimental, theoretical and instrumental aspects of direct reactions with radioactive beams.

The meeting will run over 4 days, from the morning of Monday 26 March through to the evening of Thursday 29 March. It is currently envisaged that the programme will include, in addition to the scientific sessions, a reception and visit to the Franco-Italian VIRGO Gravity Wave Interferometer facility in nearby Cascina and a workshop dinner.

In keeping with the workshop’s tradition, the meeting will be of a relatively informal character: no proceedings will be published (presentations, if authorized by the authors, will be posted on the workshop’s web site); all the presentations, other than the keynote Opening and Closing talks, will be selected by the Advisory Committee on the basis of contributed abstracts only. Importantly a strong emphasis will be placed on those presenting new results – in particular those which have not yet been published. There will be around 55 such contributed oral presentations, divided thematically amongst 14 sessions. Each contributed talk will be of 20 minutes duration, with 5 minutes discussion. Up to some 30 contributions not selected for oral presentation will be permitted to be presented as posters throughout the duration of the workshop.

In keeping with the tradition of the DREB workshops, the costs to the participants will be kept to a minimum. At present we envisage the registration fee to be in the range of approximately €50 (students) – €100 (others). A fee of €45 will be requested for guest accompanying participants to the workshop dinner. Early spring in Pisa also means that hotel rooms are available at reasonable rates (approximately €50 – 120 depending on the classification of the hotel).

Access and travel to Pisa is also simple as it, and nearby Florence, are well connected with all major Italian and European airports, including many low cost carriers: http://www.pisa-airport.com and http://www.aeroporto.firenze.it Similarly Pisa is also easily accessed by rail.

The web site will be open for the submission of abstracts in mid September and will close in early December. Contributors will be notified by the new year as to whether their submission has been selected for oral or poster presentation.
The workshop poster is available for download from the website as a PFD file suitable for large format reproduction (up to A1). We would encourage you to post a copy in your laboratory or department.