4–6 Oct 2023
Gran Sasso Science Institute
Europe/Rome timezone

A multi-messenger view of NGC 1068

4 Oct 2023, 10:30
Gran Sasso Science Institute

Gran Sasso Science Institute

Viale Francesco Crispi, 7 67100 L’Aquila (AQ), Italy


Paolo Padovani (ESO)


I will present a comprehensive multi-messenger view of NGC 1068, the prototype
Seyfert II galaxy recently associated with high-energy IceCube neutrinos. Various
aspects of the source, including its nuclear activity, jet, outflow, and the
starburst region, will be analised in detail using a multi-wavelength approach.
I will also explore its gamma-ray and neutrino emissions to try to understand
which astrophysical component is responsible for the IceCube neutrinos.

Primary author

Presentation materials