Jul 10 – 11, 2023
INFN - Frascati National Laboratories
Europe/Rome timezone

Welcome to the Open Meeting of the European Laboratory Directors Group

The event, which will be by invitation only, will be held at the Frascati National Labs of INFN - Via Enrico Fermi, 54 - Frascati (Rome), from July 10th to 11th, 2023. 

Participants are strongly invited to register via web using the online registration form . 

Attendance on site is highly recommended and we will be pleased to welcome you in Frascati!

The event will be followed on the 12th- 13th July in Frascati by the 1st Workshop on the European Accelerator R&D Roadmap. The agenda and registration page can be found at:  https://agenda.infn.it/e/AcceleratorRoadmap

Those who need to apply for a VISA to enter Italy are kindly requested to ask for a formal invitation letter by e-mail to the Workshop Secretariat.

Meeting Chairs:

Fabio BOSSI (INFN-LNF, Italy)   

Local Organising Committee: 

Fabio BOSSI Chair (INFN-LNF, Italy)   
Dave NEWBOLD Chair (STFC, UK)   
Rita BERTELLI Coordinator (INFN-LNF, Italy)    
Douglas BETT Coordinator (U. of Oxford, UK)   
Alessandra COSTANTINI Coordinator (INFN-LNF, Italy) 
Antonio DE SANTIS Coordinator (INFN-LNF, Italy)

INFN - Frascati National Laboratories
Aula B. Touschek
INFN - LNF (Frascati National Laboratories) Via Enrico Fermi 54, Frascati (Rome, Italy)
Go to map

Hosted By

Application for this event is currently open.