Neutron Stars to test Cosmology scenarios
- Lucia Papalini (University of Pisa)
- Giuseppe Di Somma (University of Pisa)
The gravitational-wave astronomy field has been resolutely founded seven years ago, thanks to the first direct
detection of transient gravitational waves from the collision of two black holes.
The first detection of continuous gravitational waves from fastly rotating neutron stars, either isolated or in binary systems, has yet to be done, and it may be around the corner, representing a...
Recently the so-called Non-Local Gravity acquired a lot of interest as an effective field theory towards the full Quantum Gravity. In this talk, we sketch its main features, discussing, in particular, possible infrared effects at astrophysical and cosmological scales. In particular, we focus on general non-local actions, including curvature or torsion invariants. In all cases, characteristic...
I will review how non-linearities can allow for screening solar-system
scales from non-tensorial gravitational polarizations, focusing on the
case of scalar-tensor theories with derivative self-interactions
(K-essence). I will then present fully relativistic simulations in
these theories in 1+1 dimensions (stellar oscillations and collapse)
and 3+1 dimensions (binary neutron stars),...