24–27 Oct 2023
Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Fisica
Europe/Rome timezone

Advancements in geodetic observations with large ring laser gyroscopes

27 Oct 2023, 12:00
Auditorium room (EGO Virgo)

Auditorium room

EGO Virgo

Invited Speaker Gravity in the weak field


Jannik Zenner (University of Bonn)


A multitude of different globally distributed and independent mass transport phenomena lead to non-predictacle fluctuations in the Earth's rotation rate $\Omega_{e}$. Large Sagnac interferometers in the form of ring lasers enable the instantaneous observation of variations in $\Omega_{e}$ at a level of a few ppb. Here, the benefit of this technique, as well as recent advancements and future possibilities are discussed.

Primary authors

Dr Jan Kodet (TU Munich) Jannik Zenner (University of Bonn) Prof. Karl Ulrich Schreiber (TU Munich) Prof. Simon Stellmer (University of Bonn)

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